Wooden perpetual desk calendar
New! Perpetual Calendar with engraving

New! Perpetual Calendar with engraving
Desk wooden perpetual calendar from 10 pcs.
- Colour: beige - natural wood
- Size: 148 × 55 × 57 mm
- Marking: Laser engraving (colour depends on the surface)
- Marking area: 50 × 20 mm
- Engraved numerals and abbreviated names of days and months in English
The wooden perpetual calendar with engraving is an elegant and timeless promotional gadget, which will be a perfect gift and a stylish office item. It consists of a matching stand and four removable blocks with numbers and month names. Simply turn the blocks over and you will have the current date in front of your eyes every day. With personalised engraving on an area of up to 1.5 x 2 cm, your message will always be visible.
Wood calendar with logo - ecological, practical and always up-to-date
The eco calendar made of wood never expires - once bought it will last as long as you want it to. Thanks to the precise engraving, you can make any design, inscription or logo on it. The date pad is made of natural wood, which will look good in any office or study. The base has a black fabric pad at the bottom, which protects it from scratches. If you are looking for a timeless, classic promotional gadget for your employees and customers - a personalised perpetual calendar with engraving is always on trend.
Available colour: beige - natural wood.
How to prepare a file for printing?
- Prepare a PDF file in format 50 x 20 mm
- Colour scheme for engraving: 100% black
- Place graphics in vector format
- Prepare a file without bleeds
- The location of the marking on the product is shown in the graphic below